Quartz vs granite


Solid Stone vs. Engineered Stone

Granite counters are mined from pure stone. The stone is sawed into slabs or made into tiles and then polished for installation. Quartz countertops are manufactured from crushed quartz that is mixed with pigment for coloration and resin as a binder. The quartz content is typically 92% to 94%. If you want authentic stone countertops, then granite is your only choice here.

The Appearance of Granite and Quartz

Both types have strong points. Granite shows slight, natural variations in the hue of the stone. Colors range from earth tones to blues, greens, and roses. The coloration of quartz is more consistent, and it is available in a  wider array of colors since they are produced with pigments added to the quartz.Which one is “better?” Beauty is in the eye of the beholder here. They are both very good looking. As you browse your options, you’ll get a feel for which one you prefer.

The Greener Building Material

Natural granite countertops produce fewer carbon emissions during production than quartz countertops. Neither one emits significant amounts of radon or volatile organic compounds. Granite has the slight edge as an eco-friendly material.